Thirty One Years Ago

Good morning my dear kambal! Happy 31st birthday! Sulitin mo itong year na to, this is the last year na nasa kalendaryo ka pa. ;) 

Thirty one years ago, God decided to create a family that He will forever bless and guide and nourish. He started with the mother. She is a gentle soul with a very sharp mind. She will be in charge of keeping her husband (aka eldest child) in line specially with his constant desire to play games. To make things fair, God also designed her to have a constant desire to shop, first for herself, but eventually for their children. She will strive to keep everything in order, with her uncanny prowess in planning and foresight. She will be the perfect partner for her husband, and the perfect mother for their children. And so, thirty one years ago, God created you.

And I will be forever grateful to Him for that special day. 

This is your special day. We may have limited budget, we may have many constraints, but always remember that YOU are special, and that is all that matters. I have been blessed by God by the fact that as early as now, He has already shown me the meaning of my life: to love, serve, and provide for you and our family. Even though it is your birthday, thirty one years ago, I was the one who received a very special gift. And I will ask for nothing more.

31 Reasons I am Grateful For You
1. You gave me the best gift in the whole world - our son
2. This slot is reserved for our future children :)
3. You constantly remind me to shave to look "pogi"
4. ...and to have my haircut!
5. You always have a plan for everything
6. And I mean everything -- even planning for our "palusot"
7. You *almost* always let me sleep now whenever I want
8. You accept me as a grown-up man-boy who loves computer games
9. ...and gave me PS4 for Christmas!
10. You *try* to go to stores with seats whenever I accompany you in your shopping
11. ...and constantly asks my opinion in choosing which item to buy
12. ...and picks the one I didn't choose
13. Sensible and thought-provoking conversations almost every night
14. ...which sometimes lead to quarrels
15 ...but always make us better individuals and improve our relationship as a couple
16. The constant effort to become the better version of ourselves
17. For getting me closer to God
18. Believing in me and my capabilities
19 ...and trusting me to provide for our family
20. For sharing our antics with the rest of the world
21. For encouraging me to value and treasure our friends
22. For inspiring me to achieve my dreams
23. ...and keeping my priorities straight
24. For the laughter while watching our favorite TV shows
25. ...and letting me make you happy :P
26. The delicious food you cook for me whenever you are in the mood
27. Keeping the house clean and orderly
28. Looking for different ways to celebrate life
29. Growing up and learning together
30. Being a thoughful and loving mother to our child
31. Simply being the best wife a husband could ever have

Honey, I love you so much and I hope that in my little ways, I would be able to show you how grateful I am for the gift of you. Happy birthday!


Lester Saints said…
puto testing lang ito
Lester Saints said…
puto testing lang ito
Lester Saints said…
approve mo puto. testing lang ito gamit app ko.

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