Project TILT: The Beginning

To avoid the perils of having stagnant brain (and blog), I'm going to start a daily project I will call Project TILT. This is an acronym for "Today, I Learned That". Basically, I would blog one new learning that I gained for the day, everyday. Hopefully, this will ensure that I do learn something new every time I wake up and face the world out there.

I got the idea of having a daily project from Armel who currently has his Project Lookbook and Daily Doodle. Since suiting up and creative drawing are both not my forte, I decided doing something that is close to my heart. Beside, if I'm planning to do this everyday, I need to make sure that I will not eventually get bored.

BTW, although today is the official first day for this, I will create two Project TILT posts for yesterday and the other day. Those trivia actually helped me in deciding what daily project I would work on.

For now, I will end this post and hopefully have my TILT post for today before going to sleep tonight.
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halfwhiteboy said…
way to go, mon! this project tilt of yours is a good one.

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